Influencer marketing is when internet influencers with a large number of followers on social media channels such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc. inform their followers about your brand’s products or experiences on their own accounts. Nowadays, with social media being very much in our lives, our usage time has increased and thanks to some prominent accounts, the concept of internet phenomenon was born.

It is a kind of word-of-mouth marketing model. If information about your brand is shared from accounts that we trust and follow on the internet, the potential customer’s perspective on your brand will change positively. Many social media users care more about branded messages about experiences than advertisements. As DG Welt, we bring you to a wider audience by collaborating with influencers or micro-influencers who will provide you with the best returns in line with your brand’s goals.

  • Influencer Identification
  • Developing Strategy Together
  • Monitoring Results

We work for a direct impact on your brand with their processes.

Influencers don’t always have to be famous people for your advertising campaigns; ordinary people, even animals or funny or anonymous accounts can be used. The important thing is how influencers and these pages are in harmony with your campaign and your target audience.